Choice but known of Muslims gain weight in Ramadan food | fullness ...


This year's Ramadan month, the before and after and during ...

Choice but known of Muslims gain weight in Ramadan food | fullness ... Fasting month of the Islamic calendar The fasting month in which the first month of the Islamic calendar (Islamic calendar) is referred to as the month of Ramadan (Ramadan). During the month of the Ramadan month from before dawn until sunset, Muslims all of the food, not the intake of water. In addition, smoking is also prohibited. The fasting is intended to carry out is one of fasting imposed by One acts as duty as Muslims. For the month of Ramadan is a Muslim, is a holy month, faith of exaltation by the suppression of self-desire by fasting, etc., is a month in which the building, such as increases of solidarity with Muslims, in that sense, the month of Ramadan is the Islamic It has become a special month also for Muslims. In addition, soldiers are participating in the hostilities, travelers, hard labor person, pregnant women maternal sick, infants, etc., when there is a reasonable circumstances, be exempt from fasting. By the way, the London Olympics of 2.0 years is due to overlap with the Ramadan month, I received a protest from Islamic countries.