Choice but known of Muslims gain weight in Ramadan food | fullness ...


Ramadan month of Saumu | guide book for the new convert

Choice but known of Muslims gain weight in Ramadan food | fullness ... Virtue of the month of Ramadan Month of Ramadan is a lunar calendar of th of the month in the Islamic calendar. Month of Ramadan is a lunar calendar of th of the month in the Islamic calendar. Month of Ramadan is the best month in the year, Allah has been and what it special by many of virtue not in the other months. Some of its virtues, let's include the following: Month of Ramadan is the greatest and most prestigious book - the Quran - by the revelation of, is the month that Allah is the special. Allah has Begone. "As a leading Qur'an to the people, and guidance and month of Ramadan, which was sent down as a clear proof of identification. If, those who saw you how the month among the, case Saumu. "(Qur'an :) Prophet r was looked up. [Once in the month of Ramadan door of heaven is opened, the hell of the door is closed, shy turn is connected. ] (Al-Bukhari 0, Muslim 0) and Allah this month, by the abandonment of execution and the wickedness of the lower portion of submission act, we are available to strive towards to him.