Choice but known of Muslims gain weight in Ramadan food | fullness ...


The third episode month of Ramadan Experience | Ministry of Foreign ...

Choice but known of Muslims gain weight in Ramadan food | fullness ... Month of Ramadan start The month of Ramadan began this year. Kuwait in the country of Muslims is said to pious countries lined up in Saudi Arabia, for fasting are also strictly carried out during the day and fast food outlets, restaurants, as well, do not even open delicatessen department of the supermarket. Even non-Muslims, will fines be imposed if it finds that the drinking water outside. The Ramadan, is the name of the month of the Islamic calendar, the name of the second of the month is named [Ramadan]. In other words, the Japanese [month] will be roughly the same meaning as the [Ramadan] of the Islamic calendar. During that period, he has refused all food and drink from sunrise to sunset. Therefore, embassy local staff, that you do not talk as much as possible, but some staff you have not Kawaka throat.